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03/01/2013 15:50
  For most women, a man with a six pack is incredibly sexy.  If a guy has ripped abs, he’s about to have ripped jeans.  So then why do so few men have washboard abs?  It’s not because they’re lazy.  And it’s not because they need to...

We have the answers!

Shakeology? No thanks. I don't put chemicals in my body.

Holy cow, you sound just like me!  I said the same exact thing when my friend tried to turn me on to P90X Shakeology.  Then I did something completely unheard of:  I actually read the label!  And guess what, it’s full of all sorts of natural, good stuff.  Probiotics, quinoa, whey protein.  No Genetically Modified Organisms.  This is exactly the stuff that I spend all my money on when I shop at Whole Foods!

If it doesn't contain chemicals, then how does this protein drink make you lose weight?


First of all, who said it was a protein drink?  Yes, it has 18 grams of protein, but it also has carbs and is LOADED with nutrients.  It’s a complete meal replacement.  If you were a Doomsday Prepper, stocking your shelter with supplies for the apocalypse,  you could live off Shakeology.  You can’t live off a protein drink.

Here’s how it helps you lose weight.  Instead of eating 3 big meals a day, you have 5 smaller ones instead.  That way your blood sugar levels remain even.  You’re never full, but you’re never hungry either.  You’re just right.  If you were a bowl of porridge, Goldilocks would shove her face in you.  

I wake up in the morning, have a light breakfast, then work out.  Then I drink Shakeology as my mid-morning snack.  I mix the powder with some almond milk, throw in some fruit, blend it up with a lot of ice and take it with me to work. 

Between the fiber, the nutrients, and the volume of the ice, one serving of Shakeology keeps me feeling full until lunch.  Just by making this one meal lower in calories, I’m able to shave a few hundred calories off my day.  Over the course of the week, this adds up!  Could you have a cup of yogurt instead?  Sure.  Low-fat yogurt is very good for you.  But is the yogurt full of as many nutrients?  No.  Will it keep you feeling full?  It didn’t keep me feeling full.  Here’s the thing, if you’re doing any of the high intensity workouts (P90x, Insanity, TurboFire, Combat, etc.) you need to put good stuff in your system to get good results.  If you don’t buy Shakeology now, I’d say there’s a 90% chance you’ll buy it later.

I just checked the price of this Shakeology stuff. $130 for a month's supply. Yikes!

Whoa, slow down.  That comes to a little over $4 a meal.  How much do you currently spend on a meal?  I have news for you:  food costs money!  And while I’m at it, how much do you spend on your gourmet non-fat, soy moccacino-latte you get every morning?  There’s caffeine in it, but other than that, there’s no nutritional value.

Is there some kind of analogy you could make for me, explaining why Shakeology is so important when you're working out?

Wow.  What an oddly specific question!  I'll give it a try.  Righy now, your body might be a Honda Accord.  Not a bad car at all.  But when you pull up to a red light, no one's admiring your Honda Accord.  You know what car people admire?  Ferraris.  They're fast, they're hot, and guess what?  They don't run on Regular Unleaded.  They run on Supreme -- the high octane expensive stuff.  If you someone gave you a free Ferrari right now, would you complain, "Oh man.  Now I have to spend more money on gas!"  Of course not, you'd fork over that cash in a minute.   So if you want a body like a Ferrari, it's going to cost a little more.  But believe me, it's worth it!

Now forget about the Ferrari for a second.  It's only a car.  If you crash it, you might be able to convince the schmuck who gave it to you, to buy you a new one.  But what about your body?  It's the only one you've got.  You just admitted you'd pay extra money for high-octane gas.  Why on earth would you take better care of a car then you would your own body?!  

I've found that people don't usually have a problemwith spending money.  They have a problem with wasting money.  As long as it's helping you lose weight, you're getting value.  Try it for a month.  If it helps you lose weight, great!  If it doesn't, try someting else.

Shakeology comes with a money back guarantee.  You can drink the whole month's supply, decide you didn't like it, and get your money back.  So cancel your HBO for a month.  Or downgrade your cellphone plane.  (Chances are, you don't need all those minutes anyway.)   So if you're skeptical about trying Shakeology, you need to start asking yourself, "Are my own methods for losing weight currently working?"  If the answer is "no," then you need to try something new.  

I'm still on the fence about buying this. Any last words for me?

Look, you don't have to do any of this.  You can easily do what 99% of the rest of the planet does:  sit on your butt, watch TV, and continue to get fatter.  Just buy bigger jeans!  And instead of committing to work out today, just kick this decision down the road.  Then, when you're 60 you've barely survived your first heart attack, you can start to take exercise seriously.

I will say this though: getting in shape is not going to be easier next year.  It'll be harder.  But it's your life, not mine.  I already lost the weight and got in shape, and I'm 42.  This is how I did it.  I'm just offering you a solution.  You don't need to take it.

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