About Us

We are a team of Independant Beachbody Coaches.  That means we're trained and licensed to sell Beachbody videos, nutritional supplements, and workout gear.  As coaches, we're also able to provide you discounts that you can not get anywhere else.  This includes Free Bonus DVDs, Discounted Shipping, as well as Free Coaching.  

To get us as your Coach, just click here.

Once enrolled, you'll also get Free Access to our Support Group on Facebook.  It's a great way to stay motivated and gain inspiration from others who started before you.  And in a few weeks, you'll be inspiring the new people with your incredible transformation!



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03/01/2013 15:50
  For most women, a man with a six pack is incredibly sexy.  If a guy has ripped abs, he’s about to have ripped jeans.  So then why do so few men have washboard abs?  It’s not because they’re lazy.  And it’s not because they need to...

We have the answers!

What's the return policy?

Anywhere from 30-90 days, depending on the length of your workout program.  You can return it within that trial period for a FULL refund of the purchase price, less s&h.  

Are these DVDs going to be too hard for me?


Committing to a workout schedule is hard.  But you know what’s even harder?  Being fat and out of shape.  It’s harder to get out of your car, it’s harder to get off the floor after playing with your kids, it’s harder on your self-esteem!  Believe me.  I’ve been there.  One year ago, I was 41 and weighed 189 lbs.  I woke up every morning in pain.  I honestly thought the reason why I felt so rickety was because I was getting older!  Age had nothing to do with it.  I was out of shape! 

Every morning, when I’d look at myself in the mirror, I’d think, “What the hell happened to you!”  Being out of shape really took a toll on me emotionally.  I now weigh 169 lbs and I’m in kick ass shape.  And I’m always getting compliments on how good I look.  And here’s the thing that makes me laugh:  I wasn’t born an athlete.  I didn’t play sports in high school.  To be honest, I’m a little bit of a spaz.  But now people think I’m a freaking athlete!  These are workouts that work… as long as you actually do them.  So, is this going to be too hard on you?  If a dork like me can do it, so can you!

I'm not sure if I'm self-motivated enough to workout at home. What now?

Once you purchase and select me as your coach, you gain Free access to my Facebook support group.  It’s a very supportive environment.  People post their success stories, complain about their set backs, then keep moving forward.  You want motivation to lose weight?  Log on.  We’ll hold you accountable.  If you go quiet too long, I’ll yell at you.  ;)

This is an important step to getting in shape.  It’s one thing to let yourself down, but you’re not going to want to let down a group of people just like you.  If they see you quit, they might quit.  And you don’t want that on your conscience.   An accountability group is crucial.  Entire religions have been founded on guilt!

What can I expect during my first week?

Expect to be sore.  Expect to limp around the office.  Expect your co-workers to say, “What the hell happened to you?”  Expect to have a PROUD smile on your face… like you actually did something today, instead of sitting on your ass like everyone else in America.  Expect your co-workers to be impressed and ask you where you bought it.  Tell them GreatHomeFitness.com

Working out 3-6 days a week sounds like too big of a commitment to me.

Unacceptable!  You found this website for a reason.  You’re unhappy with the way you are right now.  You know you need to change, and you know you have the courage to do it.  You need a good kick in the pants! 

Stop putting off getting in shape until tomorrow.  Or until New Years.  Or until summer.  Enough procrastinating.  Enough excuse making.  Start working out.  Get in shape today!  No one in the history of planet Earth has ever complained about being in shape.

What do you recommend drinking after a workout?

I drink Results and Recovery Formula from Beachbody.  It tastes exactly like an orange creamsicle… if you’ve never had an orange creamsicle before.  That said, the stuff is really good.  They recommend 2 scoops per cup of water.  Personally, I use 1/2 scoop and still feel the benefits.

Which workout video is the best?

Great question!  Any workout is best.  Doing anything is better than doing nothing.  That said, you’ll get better results if you find a workout that’s enjoyable to you.  Some people hate cardio, but like weight training.  Others like cardio, but only if there’s fun dance music to it.  Some people like yoga. 

It doesn’t matter what you do, just do something!  Poke around this site.  I try to explain each program in great detail.  However, a good place to start is here.  But if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.  I’ll answer your questions as best as I can. 

I'm a woman considering P90X, but I'm worried that weightlifting is going to make me look bulky.

If you do light weights and high repetitions, you’ll get tone and lean.  You’ll have just enough definition to make other women jealous.  If you want bigger muscles, then you do higher weights, lower repetitions.  And even if you pushed yourself super hard, you're not going to suddenly wake up one morning with super beefy muscles.  It takes time.  

Are there workouts that don't require equipment?

Yeah, Insanity is one of them.  It’s a prison cell workout.  If you have a 4′ x 6′ area, you have room to do Insanity.  You’ll be using only your body weight, and the force of gravity.  (I assume you have gravity where you live.)  Get Insanity, and you will have a home workout better than what 95% of the people do at the gym.  This is the perfect living room workout or hotel room room workout.  If you travel a lot, get Insanity.

I want to lose weight, but obviously exercise is only half the equation. What about nutrition?


You’re absolutely right.  The secret to losing weight is simple:  you need to expend less calories than you consume.  To do this, you can either expend more calories (by working out) or consume fewer calories (through diet) or ideally, a combination of both.  One pound of fat is equal to 3500 calories.  So if you want to lose 2 lbs a week, it’s easier if you do both exercise and diet.

I can only talk from my personal experience.  I did 2 full rounds of P90x before I started losing weight.  I definitely became more fit and muscular, but I wasn’t losing fat.  And until you lose fat, people are less likely to compliment you.  No one is going to run up to you and say, “Hey, your triceps look more defined!”  In my case, the weight didn’t come off until I started following the P90x nutrition plan to that letter.  And that meant drinking Shakeology once a day.  Then the weight started coming off.  That’s how to lose 20 lbs in 2 months.

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