10 Minute Trainer

 [Light cardio and resistance training.]  What if it took only 10 minutes to get a great body?  Now Tony Horton's stacked his most effective moves into a series of easy home workouts that will show you real results in 60 days.   



At home workouts for women

Stuck in the house and can't get out.  Maybe you're a stay at home mom who has to watch over the kids.  Or perhaps you just don't have the time, energy, or money to waste to go to the gym everyday.  The good news is, there's no need to!  You can get in great shape, without ever stepping foot out of your house.  This dvd set is a terrific compilation of moves anyone can do in the privacy of their own living room.  These are simple, but effective at home workouts for women.  So if you want to get your butt into the best shape of your life, look no further than this fitness video.  All you have to do is push play.

at home workout dvd

Thanks to the tremendous variety in these dvds, you will attack and sculpt your body from all angles.  This is the predecessor dvd to the world famous P90x workout, so you’ll be using many of the same moves in this course.  This version is abbreviated, so you only need ten minutes a day to get into the best shape of your life.  And with all the extra time you’ll save, you can stare at your new hot body in the mirror!  Thanks to this at home workout dvd, you’ll never waste time waiting for a treadmill again.  You can get an awesome body just by performing these tested and proven moves.

easy at home workouts for women

Fitness doesn’t have to be complicated.  Men and women can get into great shape just by carefully following the trainers in these dvds.  It’s easy to pick up, and in just a few short weeks, you’ll find your muscles becoming more tone, and your body more lean.  Burn the fat right off with this workout regimen that will get you sweating and breathing hard.

best at home workout for women

Is this one right here.  It’s fun and will keep you engaged and interested throughout the program.  The variety is the key.  It will keep your mind involved as well as challenging your muscles in new ways.  Use gravity as your counterweight as you push and pull your body to new extremes.  


easy at home workout for women

Once you’ve mastered this workout program, you can graduate to more challenging ones.  But the worst thing you can do is start out with an exercise routine that is too aggressive.  You’re likely to get discouraged and quit, or even worse, injured.  Slow and steady wins the race here.  You didn’t get out of shape in one day, you’re not going to get in shape in just one day as well.  Fortunately, this workout is easy enough to do in the privacy of your own home.  Without the leering and judging eyes of people at the gym, you are far more likely to see serious and substantial results.  Plus, you can do it on your own schedule.  


i would've preferred an easy home workout

"Say goodbye to your fist.  I'm gonna pulverize it with my face!"