Brazil Butt Lift

[cardio and lower body resitance training] Trainer to world-famous supermodels, Leandro Carvalho combines Brazilian dance, cardio, and his own signature lower-body sculpting moves to lift, firm, and shape your behind for a rear view you've only dreamed about.  Pop this in your DVD player and get a firm butt with the best "at home butt workout" on the market!

Exclusive new Secret Weapon BONUS Brazil Butt Lift®workout!  Free with purchase on this site.

Your Price:  $59.85




Brazil Butt Lift Workout

Do you want to get a firm butt?  How good would it feel to have a hard, round tush?  Don't blame your mom and dad for bad genes, because there's something you can do about it, and you never have to set foot in a gym. You just need the right dvd program.  A killer body is within your reach.  It just requires training and determination.  Stop feeling bad about yourself.  The Brazil Butt Lift Workout will do wonders for your self esteem.  Don't just dream of getting a firm butt, get a firm butt!  I don't care if you're a businesswoman looking for a fitness routine, or if you can get a killer body.  

Brazilian Butt Lift DVD

Leandro's proven TriAngle Training method works all three major muscles of the buttocks from multiple angles to reduce your hips and saddlebag area, slim your thighs, and lift your butt without bulking up your thighs. You can even customize the workout plan to turn your current shape into the one you've always wanted.  The Brazilian Butt Lift DVD will help you reduce, lift, and shape your booty.  Get it!

Buy Brazil Butt Lift

This workout dvd focuses on your stubborn trouble zones.  the hips, glutes, and saddlebags.  Using strength bands that are included, you will lift our buttocks to new heights.  Kiss your ass goodbye, you're getting a new one!  You'll also get a sculpt DVD, which is a total body workout, so that you'll look like a sexy supermodel.  With cardio axe, you'll feel like you're dancing through the streets of Rio.  And Tummy Tuck is a sure fire way to get sexy abs in just 15 minutes.  

Brazilian Butt Lift Workout Video

Includes a booty blueprint to help you determine your current shape, along with a calendar customized to your body type so that you know which workout prgoram to follow in order to achieve your desired shape.  You'll also receive free workout cards, which contain step by step instructions on Leandro's signature moves. Take them with you to create your own workout on the go.  It also comes with a measurement track and tape measure.

Where to Buy Brazilian Butt-lift workout

Order through the links on this website, and you'll recieve a strength band to give you an extra boost of lower body resistance to sculpt those hard to reach areas.  It can also bring you faster results.  And you'll receive Bum Bum Rapido, which is the express version of this exercise program.



"The first time, I stood in this machine backwards.  I won't make that mistake again!"