


Kickboxing and body-sculpting workouts set to the hottest dance music.  Get ready to rock with trainer Chalene Johnson.

Now with Turbo Sculpting Gloves and a BONUS workout!

Your Price:  $59.85

Dance Exercise DVD

This is a workout that doesnt feel like one.  Each dvd is packed with calorie blasting cardio kickboxing, body sculpting and dance moves set to the hottest music ever.  You're scorching fat and sizzling away pounds at a rate of up to 1000 cals per hour.  This Dance Exercise DVD is fast, fun, and effective.  In a recent university study, some participants of this program expended more energy than walking, strength training, Pilates, step aerobicx and even running.  It works your upper and lower body at the same time.  Throw in the gloves that are included and you supercharge your regimen to engage more muscles!

Best Dance Workout DVD

Includes the following programs information.  You learn the Elite 11 moves to destroy inclues.  The sculpt dvd is a 40 minute tighten and tone session to trim and flatten problem areas.  20 Minute Work Out is for when you are short on time.  Ab Jam attacks your core from every angle for a lean, sexy midsection.  Cardio Party is a 45 minute routine, making it the best dance workout dvd on the market!

Dance Fitness DVD

Comes with flash cards so you can review the signature moves, 24/7 online support so you can have live chats with trainers, as well as a results fitness and nutrition guide in order to make your favorite meals.  Also included are the sculping gloves to increase muscular activity by 96% in order to get ripped even faster.  Punch, Kick and Jam is designed do tap into the power of these tool.  And a slim diet plan and tape measure to track your complete body transformation.

Best Dance Workout Videos

Are supremely designed to give optimal results.  You'll be amazed when you catch your new body in the mirror.  You might even do a double take because you won't recognize yourself.  These arebtruly diverting and amazing videos.  Getting the body you've always dreamed of has never been easier or more attainable.  

Exercise Dance DVD

Don't delay.  Order now so you can start your metamorphisis as soon as possible.  Forget about wasting your time and money by going to the gym.  You can achieve all this is in the privacy and comfort of your own home.  All you have to do is order this package and hit play!  Act now!  Your husband or wife or boyfriend or girlfriend is going to be so impressed.  And if you don't have one of these, don't despair.  Soon, the new and improved physique that you've achieved will attact the person you want in your life.  

"I removed the seatbelts to make you more comfortable!"