Hanging Abs Straps

Gym Equipment for Abs

Go beyond crunches and get more complete ab toning with Hanging Abs Straps. Vertical abdominal training allows you to maximize your efforts by using your body's own resistance to isolate and fire your abs like nothing else.  This is serious workout equipment for abs.

Your Price:  $29.85

Workout Equipment for Abs

By using Hanging Abs Straps, you'll attack your stomach muscles from brand new angles.  Brett uses these in the RevAbs®Advanced workouts to isolate and target your abs like nothing else. Used with a Chin-Up Bar.

Hanging Abs Strabs

A critical piece of gym equipment for abs.  Use these in place of, or in addition to, leg raises, pulse ups, or heels to heavens.  If you're a soccer player and you want to improve your kick strenght, this is an essential piece of workout equipment for abs.  It's also critical for football kickers and punters.  Or just get a shredded six pack to look great on the beach.

If you're serious about working out your stomach muscles, just doing sit-up and crunches isn't enough.  You need variety, and lots of it.  That's why no home gym is complete without this piece of workout equipment for abs.  It's simple to use.  Simply connect the hanging abs straps to a chin up bar, and slide your arms in.  With just your elbows poking out, you should be supporting your entire body weight on your triceps.  Keeping your legs locked at the knees, raise your feet until they are parallel with the floor. Hold for a beat, then slowly lower your legs back to the floor.  Repeat.  If this is too strenous, you can also try hanging vertically, bending your knees, and raising your legs towards your torso in a "crunching move."  Even this movement is much more challenging than a simple crunch.  That's why this one thing alone is such a great piece of gym equipment for abs.  Forget about benches and expensive machines that don't work.  If you really want a six pack, less is more.  Hanging abs straps are inexpensive yet essential gym equipment for abs.


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